B&R Automation X67AI2744


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  • 2 full-bridge strain gauge inputs
  • Data output rate configurable from 2.5 Hz to 7.5 kHz

The module is equipped with 2 inputs for evaluating full-bridge strain gauges and works with both 4-wire and 6-wire strain gauge load cells. The concept applied by the module requires calibration in the measurement system. This calibration compensates or eliminates the absolute inaccuracies in the measurement circuit (e.g. component tolerances, effective bridge voltage or zero offset). The measuring accuracy related to an absolute (calibrated) value only changes due to the negative influence of a change in the operating temperature.

Short description
I/O module2 full-bridge strain gauge inputs
General information
B&R ID code0x8820
Status indicatorsChannel status, operating state, module status
Module run/errorYes, using LED status indicator and software
Open circuitYes, using LED status indicator and software
InputYes, using LED status indicator and software
Connection type
X2X LinkM12, B-coded
Inputs4x M12, A-coded
I/O power supplyM8, 4-pin
Power consumption
Bus0.75 W
Internal I/O2.4 W
ATEXZone 2, II 3G Ex nA IIA T5 Gc IP67, Ta = 0 - Max. 60°C TÜV 05 ATEX 7201X
ULcULus E115267 Industrial control equipment
HazLoccCSAus 244665 Process control equipment for hazardous locations Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD, T5
I/O power supply
Nominal voltage24 VDC
Voltage range18 to 30 VDC
Integrated protectionReverse polarity protection
Full-bridge strain gauge
Strain gauge factor2 to 256 mV/V, configurable using software
Connection4- or 6-wire connections 
Input typeDifferential, used to evaluate a full-bridge strain gauge
Digital converter resolution24-bit
Conversion timeDepends on the configured data output rate
Data output rate2.5 to 7,500 samples per second, configurable using software (fDATA)
Input filter
Cutoff frequency5 kHz
Slope60 dB
ADC filter characteristicsSigma-delta, see section "Filter characteristics of the sigma-delta A/D converter"
Operating range / Measurement sensor85 to 5,000 Ω
Influence of cable length See section "Calculation example", sensor cable length: Max. 30 m
Input protectionRC protection
Common-mode range0 to 3 VDC Permissible input voltage range (with regard to the electric potential strain gauge GND) on inputs "Input +" and "Input -"
Insulation voltage between input and bus500 Veff
Conversion procedureSigma-delta
Output of digital value
Broken bridge supply lineValue approaching 0
Broken sensor lineValue approaching ±end value (status bit "Line monitoring" is set in register "Module status")
Valid range of values0xFF800001 to 0x007FFFFF (-8,388,607 to 8,388,607)
Strain gauge supply
Voltage5.5 VDC / Max. 65 mA
Short-circuit and overload-proofYes
Voltage drop for short-circuit protectionMax. 0.2 VDC at 65 mA and 25°C
LSB value (16-bit)
2 mV/V336 nV
4 mV/V671 nV
8 mV/V1.343 µV
16 mV/V2.686 µV
32 mV/V5.371 µV
64 mV/V10.74 µV
128 mV/V21.48 µV
256 mV/V42.97 µV
LSB value (24-bit)
2 mV/V1.31 nV
4 mV/V2.62 nV
8 mV/V5.25 nV
16 mV/V10.49 nV
32 mV/V20.98 nV
64 mV/V41.96 nV
128 mV/V83.92 nV
256 mV/V167.85 nV
Max. gain drift12 ppm/°C 
Max. offset drift2 ppm/°C 
Nonlinearity<10 ppm 
Electrical properties
Electrical isolationBus isolated from analog input and strain gauge supply voltage Channel not isolated from I/O power supply
Operating conditions
Mounting orientation
Installation elevation above sea level
0 to 2000 mNo limitation
>2000 mReduction of ambient temperature by 0.5°C per 100 m
Degree of protection per EN 60529IP67
Ambient conditions
Operation-25 to 60°C
Storage-40 to 85°C
Transport-40 to 85°C
Mechanical properties
Width53 mm
Height85 mm
Depth42 mm
Weight190 g
Torque for connections
M8Max. 0.4 Nm
M12Max. 0.6 Nm




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