Mitsubishi FR-A720-22K VSD/VFD - Mitsubishi - FR-A700 series - 3-phase input - 90A / 22kW / 30HP


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VSD/VFD - Mitsubishi - FR-A700 series - 3-phase input - 90A / 22kW / 30HP
Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter - Mitsubishi Electric (FREQROL FR-A700 series) - input 200Vac-240Vac (3-phase/3P) - 22kW / 30HP - 90A - frequency (output) 0.2-400Hz - with Modbus RTU communication capability - IP20 - input voltage nominal values 220Vac / 230Va


Primary brand
Mitsubishi Electric

Main function
Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter

Product series / family name
FREQROL FR-A700 series

Network frequency
(Supply input) 50/60 Hz
(output) 0.2-400 Hz

Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter
Soft-PWM control
High carrier frequency PWM control
Maximum/minimum frequency setting
Frequency jump operation
External thermal relay input selection
Polarity reversible operation
Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation
Electronic bypass operation
Forward/reverse rotation prevention
Remote setting
Brake sequence
Second function
Third function
Multi-speed operation
Original operation continuation at instantaneous power failure
Stop-on-contact control
Load torque high-speed frequency control
Droop control
Regeneration avoidance
Slip compensation
Operation mode selection
Offline auto tuning function
Online auto tuning function
PID control
Computer link operation (RS-485)
Motor end orientation
Machine end orientation
Notch filter
Machine analyzer
Easy gain tuning
Speed feed forward
And torque bias

Forced air cooling

Supply voltage (AC)
(220Vac / 230Vac)

Type of network

Rated current
150% In for 60s / 200% In for 3s overload current rating (inverse-time characteristics; Normal duty; 50°C ambient air temperature)
110% In for 60s / 120% In for 3s overload current rating (inverse-time characteristics; Super light duty; 40°C ambient air temperature)
120% In for 60s / 150% In for 3s overload current rating (inverse-time characteristics; Light duty; 50°C ambient air temperature)
200% In for 60s / 250% In for 3s overload current rating (inverse-time characteristics; Heavy duty; 50°C ambient air temperature)

Rated active power (kW)

Rated power (HP)

Protection functions
Overcurrent during acceleration
Overcurrent during constant speed
Overcurrent during deceleration
Overvoltage during acceleration
Overvoltage during constant speed
Overvoltage during deceleration
Inverter protection thermal operation
Motor protection thermal operation
Heatsink overheat
Instantaneous power failure occurrence
Input phase loss
Motor overload
Output side earth (ground) fault overcurrent
Output short-circuit
Main circuit element overheat
Output phase loss
External thermal relay operation
PTC thermistor operation
Option fault
Parameter error
PU disconnection
Retry count excess
CPU fault
Operation panel power supply short circuit
24Vdc power output short-circuit
Output current detection value excess
Inrush current limit circuit fault
Communication fault (inverter)
USB fault
Opposite rotation deceleration fault
Analog input fault
Brake transistor alarm
Speed deviation large
Position error large
Signal loss detection
Brake sequence fault
Encoder phase error

Communication protocol
Modbus RTU

Digital inputs
1 x digital input (source/sink) (STF)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (STR)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (STOP)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (RH)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (RM)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (RL)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (JOG)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (RT)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (MRS)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (RES)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (AU)
1 x digital input (source/sink) (CS)

Digital outputs
1 x digital output (SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw contact A1/B1/C1) (programmable)
1 x digital output (SPDT Single Pole Double Throw contact A2/B2/C2) (programmable)
1 x digital output (sink/source open collector transistor) (RUN; programmable)
1 x digital output (sink/source open collector transistor) (SU; programmable)
1 x digital output (sink/source open collector transistor) (IPF; programmable)
1 x digital output (sink/source open collector transistor) (OL; programmable)
1 x digital output (sink/source open collector transistor) (FU; programmable)

Analog inputs
1 x analog input (0-5Vdc / 0-10Vdc / 0-20mA)
1 x analog input (0-5Vdc / 0-10Vdc)
1 x analog input (0-5Vdc / 0-10Vdc / 4-20mA)

Analog outputs
1 x analog output (0-10Vdc)

Degree of protection

Application type

Order code / Manufacturer SKU




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