Omron CJ1W-CT021 High-Speed, Flexible Control With A Wide Array of Features. This unit is available for CJ/NJ controller.


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• Input frequencies to 500 kHz.

• 32-bit counting range.

• Digital variable noise filter provided.

• 5, 12, 24 V line driver inputs available.

• Supports simple, ring, and linear counting modes.

• Supports two external control inputs, and a total of 16 functions can be set: open gate, close gate, preset, reset, capture, stop/capture/reset combinations, reset enable, and more.

• One Unit supports two external outputs and 30 internal outputs with counter value zone comparisons, target comparisons, delays, holds, programmable outputs, and hysteresis settings.

• Pulse rate measurement function and data logging.

• Counter outputs and external control inputs can be used to trigger interrupt tasks in the CPU.

last update: December 19, 2013

General Specifications

Unit typeCJ-series Special I/O Unit
General SpecificationsConform to general specifications for CJ/NJ-series
Ambient Operating Temperature0 to 55 °C
Ambient Storage Temperature-20 to 75 °C
Ambient Operating Humidity10% to 90% without condensation
Internal Current Consumption280 mA (at 5 V)
Dimensions31 × 90 × 65 mm (W × H × D)
Weight100 g
Mounting PositionCJ-series CPU Rack or CJ-series Expansion Rack *1, NJ-series CPU Rack or NJ-series Expansion Rack
Maximum Number of CT021
Units per Rack
Equal to the number of slots of the Rack *2
Maximum Number of CT021
Units per basic CJ/NJ system
Data Exchange with CPU UnitI/O Refresh Data Area (CIO-bits 200000 to 255915, CIO-words 2000 to 2959): *3
Special I/O Unit DM-Area (D-words 20000 to 29599): 400 DM-words per Unit are transmitted form
the CPU to the Unit at Power Up or when the Unit is restarted *4

*1. The Unit must be in one of the five positions immediately to the right of the CJ1-H CPU Unit or in one of the three
       positions immediately to the right of the CJ1M CPU Unit to activate external interrupt tasks. No external interrupt
       tasks can be activated if the Unit is in any other position (i.e., 6th Unit position or further away from the CJ1-H CPU
       Unit, or 4th Unit position or further away from the CJ1M CPU Unit), or if it is on a CJ-series Expansion Rack.
       (Final order entry date for CJ1M:The end of March, 2021)
*2. The maximum number of Units per Rack is also depending on the maximum supply current of the Power Supply Unit
       and the current consumption of other Units on the Rack.
*3. The CJ1W-CT021 Special I/O Unit is allocated words for 40 words in the Special I/O Unit (CIO) Area.
*4. The CJ1W-CT021 Special I/O Unit is allocated words for 4 Units in the Special I/O Unit DM Area. From the 400 DM
       words that are allocated, the first 113 words are used to make the DM-settings and the remaining 287 words can be
       used as work-words.

Functional Specifications

>th >Reset Signals

Number of Counters2
Counter Type• Simple Counter
• Circular Counter
• Linear Counter
The Counter Type can be chosen by DIP switch at the front of the Unit.
By default the Counters are set to Simple Counter.
Maximum Input
500 kHz
Response Time
0.5 ms
Signals per CounterPhase A, B and Z
Digital I/O•2 Digital Inputs (I0 and I1):
Every Digital Input can be assigned to a Counter.
In this way one Counter can be controlled by a maximum of 2 Digital Inputs.
•2 Digital Outputs (O0 and O1):
The Unit Output Pattern represents the 2 Digital Outputs and 30 Soft Outputs.
Input Signal Types• Phase Differential (multiplication ×1), (multiplication ×2) * 1 and (multiplication ×4) * 1
• Up/Down * 1
• Pulse & Direction * 1
Counter Control using
CIO-software bits *4
• Open Gate / Start Counter: Counter is enabled to count pulses
• Close Gate / Stop Counter: Counter is disabled to count pulses
• Preset Counter: Preset Value can be set in CIO
• Reset Counter to zero
• Capture Counter Value: Captured Counter Value can be read using IORDinstruction
Digital Input
• Gate * 1
• Reset * 1
• Preset * 1
• Capture * 1
• Stop/Capture-Continue * 1* 4
• Stop/Capture-Reset/Continue * 1* 4
• Capture/Reset * 1* 4
• Enable Reset * 1
• Disable Reset * 1
For every Function the corresponding action can be triggered on a rising- or on a falling edge.
Output Control Mode• Automatic ON/OFF output according to the following three modes:
Range Mode * 1
Comparison Mode * 1
Rate Range * 1* 4
• Manual output control
Output State ControlOn changing the Operating Mode of the controller from RUN/MONITOR → PROGRAM,
an I/O Bus Error or an Overflow/Underflow Error, the Digital Outputs can be configured to:
• Continue automatic updating Output States
• Freeze Output States * 1
• Predefine Output States * 1
Output Driver
• PNP * 1
Every Counter can be reset to zero by (a combination of) the following sources:
• Software Counter Reset Bit
• Digital Input * 1
• Z-Input * 1
Extra Functions• Programmable Output Pulse * 1:
To every Digital Output an ON-delay and/or a Pulse Duration [1 to 9999 ms] can be applied.
• Rate Measurement * 1* 4: For every Counter the Pulse Rate can be measured by defining a
Time-Window [1 to 9999 ms]. Up to a maximum of 64 Rate Values are stored in the Rate History
Log File. Rate Values from the Rate History Log File can be read using the IORD-instruction.
Additionally for every Counter two Rate Ranges can be defined that control the Outputs
according to the measured Rate Value.
• Hysteresis * 1: To prevent Outputs from being switched On and Off by very small fluctuations
in the Counter Value around Range Limits, for every Counter an Hysteresis-value [1 to 255]
can be defined (the Unit must in Range Mode).
Noise Filtering Counter
Inputs and Digital Inputs
To suppress noise on the signal lines of the Counter Inputs (A and B) and the Digital Inputs
(I0 and I1) a Noise Filter can be configured:
• 10 kHz * 1
• 50 kHz (default)
• 500 kHz * 1
For the Digital Inputs the 500 kHz filter can not be selected. The Z-Input Signals of every
Counter are filtered with a fixed Noise Filter of 1 kHz.
Initial Counter Value *4• The Initial Counter Value * 1 is transferred to the Unit when the Unit is Powered Up or Restarted.
The Initial Counter Value is very useful to overcome problems in case of power failure.
IORD- and
IOWR-instructions *4
Run-time * 3 configuration and operation of the High-speed Counter Unit is possible by using
IORD- and IOWR-instructions. The following data can be read or written:
• DM-configuration data * 1
• Range- and Comparison Data * 1
• Captured Counter Value
• Rate History Log File Data * 1
• Counter Value
• (Re) Configure High-speed Counter Unit * 1
• Error Clear
Interrupts of Outputs *4• The Digital Outputs and the Soft Outputs of the Unit Output Pattern can all be configured to
generate interrupts to the CJ1-H/CJ1M CPU Unit * 1 * 2.
Interrupts of
Digital Inputs *4
• The Digital Inputs can all be configured to generate interrupts to the CJ1-H/ CJ1M CPU Unit * 2.
Error History
Log Function
• Stores up to 30 error log records

*1. This specification item is only supported for Circular and Linear Counters (not for Simple Counters). For a complete
       overview of the differences between Simple and Circular/Linear Counters refer to High-speed Counter Unit Operation
       Manual (Cat. No. W401).
*2. To activate external interrupt tasks, a CJ1-H or CJ1M CPU Unit must be used. CJ1 CPU Units do not support external
       interrupt tasks. To activate external interrupt tasks in a CJ1-H CPU Unit, the CJ1W-CT021 High-speed Counter Unit
       must be in one of the five positions immediately to the right of the CJ1-H CPU Unit. For CJ1M CPU Units, the CJ1W-
       CT021 High-speed Counter Unit must be in one of the three positions immediately to the right of the CJ1M CPU Unit.
       No external interrupt tasks can be activated if the Unit is in any other position (i.e., 6th Unit position or further away
       from the CJ1-H CPU Unit, or 4th Unit position or further away from the CJ1M CPU Unit), or if it is on a CJseries
       Expansion Rack. (Final order entry date for CJ1M:The end of March, 2021)

CJ1W-CT021 Specifications 4

*3. If an IOWR- or IORD-instruction is used during operation, comparison will stop during instruction execution. Care
       must be taken, therefore, with the timing of executing instructions.
*4. This specification item cannot be used with NJ-series CPU units.

Input Specifications

ItemCounter Inputs A and BDigital Inputs
(I0 and I1)
Input Voltage24 VDC
(19.6 to 26.4 V)
12 VDC
(9.8 to 13.2 V)
(4.5 to 5.5 V)
Line Driver24 VDC
(19.6 to 26.4 V)
Input Current (typical)8 mA8 mA7 mA11 mA
Connectable to RS-422 compatible
Line Drivers.
7.6 mA
ON Voltage (min.)19.6 V9.8 V4.5 V19.6 V
OFF Voltage (max.)4 V2.5 V1.5 V4 V
ItemCounter Input Z
Input Voltage24 VDC (18.6 to 26.4 V)12 VDC (9.8 to 13.2 V)5 VDC (4.5 to 5.5 V)Line Driver
Input Current (typical)7.3 mA6.6mA6 mA11 mA
Connectable to RS-422 compatible
Line Drivers.
ON Voltage (min.)18.6 V9.8V4.5 V
OFF Voltage (max.)4 V2.5V1.5 V




Manual (w401_cj1w-ct021_high-speed_counter_unit_operation_manual_en.pdf, 1,824 Kb) [Download]


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